Saturday, October 2, 2010

20 Wishes

Here's something I gleaned from a good friend's post, taken from Julia Cameron in her book Walking in This World.
"The following simple little exercise is one I use when I’m feeling a bit stuck on who I am, where I want to go and what the next steps may be.

Number a blank sheet from 1 to 20. Writing (quickly) finish the phrase: “I wish” 20 times. Your wishes can range from the big things that you find difficult to wrap your mind around or the very small (almost imperceptible) things that are sometimes passed off in pursuit of bigger things. There is no right or wrong wish!

What you will notice, once you have completed your list, is that there are several small, yet doable steps you can take that you may not have thought about. The simple act of putting your wishes on paper (instead of holding them in your head) allows you to gain insight and perspective."  (Read the rest of the post at Windridge Reflections)
My husband and I used this exercise on a recent road trip and some of the things we each wished were surprises to the other (and to ourselves!)  Try it for yourself or as a conversation starter.  Obviously some of the things on the wish list are probably not going to happen, but if even just a few of them can begin to take place, it does help you to decide what you want to do with the years remaining to you!

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